
I am jumping on the bandwagon. I started a blog. I thought it might be nice for friends and family to see what Jer and I are up to, since we move at least twice a year, and travel in between, its hard to stay in touch. I have to admit I considered naming the blog "modern day gypsies" since that is the nickname we have adopted over the past few years!

We are in Houston now, and we are loving every minute of it!!! The weather is amazing(much better than the snow everyone continues to face in Utah). We are glad to be in the warm sun at the pool, while most of our friends, and family, are still shivering in their winter boots! Duke(our dog that is treated like our own child) is loving Texas as well. He is very excited to have some grass to run in, versus the landscape rock Arizona had to offer. There is a dog park here with an agility track, a large pond, a jumping dock, and everything a dog could dream of! Duke knows exactly where we're going, even when we are still a mile away, he LOVES it!!

We are really looking forward to the future and starting our own company. I think Jeremy is excited for the business end of things (and the fact that he gets to officially be 'the boss') while I am excited to move somewhere and stay put for at least a full year! We have really enjoyed living in all the places we have. We have learned a lot about life, and a lot about what we want out of life. I would not have done it any other way, however I am glad this constant moving around is coming to a close. Our plan is to open our own company, in New Mexico, in the year of 2011! (Look out Wayne and Camille, the Eastman Clan is coming to stir up some trouble on your side of town!)

We are very grateful to all of our friends and family for helping us to get to where we are today. We have been extremely blessed with the love and support, of those closest to us. Each of you has offered us something that we cannot put a price tag on. We are so excited with where we are in life!!! When I married Jeremy I knew I was in for a life full of fun and love, but I had no idea how much fun it would really be. We have a life so full of joy and excitement, and we owe that to those of you who helped to shape us into the people we are today. So thank you.

Well that is it folks. My first official 'blog', I will keep you updated on our next adventure!