
Well as all of you can see I am REALLY good at keeping my blog updated......or maybe not so much! I had pretty much all but forgotten that I had a blog when a friend told me I should start a blog, and then a distant memory of a blog I had created over a YEAR ago entered my mind, and I realized I should update at least once a year!

So here goes....

We left Houston in October, and although we really enjoyed our time and opportunities there, life took us elsewhere. We spent the winter in UT and loved every minute of it! It was so great to spend time close to family and friends, however even after 6 months of living there, I still wish we had more time with everyone there. I have to admit part of not seeing people as much as we would have liked to is my fault... shortly after we moved to UT (after secretly trying for quite a while) we finally got preggers!!! We are SO excited, but due to that stinkin first trimester, there were many months in UT I did not feel like doing a single thing!!!

We recently moved to Murrieta, CA (just north of San Diego) and so far we are LOVING it!!! We did not get to open our company this year, but we have high hopes and expectations to start the company winter 2011 or winter 2012, and we are really looking forward to that! We are in CA working for a wonderful pest control company and we are very happy here, Jer's sales are doing great, and I am loving the weather! We no longer have to deal with the snow in UT, or the crazy heat/humidity that Houston had to offer!!!

We moved here the very end of April, and we had a crazy couple of weeks.... We thought it would be fun to take Duke to the local dog park, seems like a good activity right?....WRONG! Duke managed to get fleas there, and just for the record-fleas are terrible, fortunately we work for a super cool pest control company that came out the very next day and eliminated our problem. So then I think everything is back to normal...WRONG again. I decided to take Duke out before we went to bed for the night and of course, being the curious dog he is, he found a skunk and managed to get sprayed right in the face. I don't know if any of you have ever encountered a direct skunk spray, but they spray an oil that sticks to EVERYTHING and it is miserable. The stench makes you choke and makes your eyes burn, not even joking. So we get him all washed up and our apartment smells terrible. I decide it would be a good idea to keep our windows and balcony doors open to air out the apt, good idea right? WRONG... at 4am I woke up to the burning eyes and miserable choking smell. The skunk again found its way onto our balcony, got stuck there, and sprayed directly through the screen door into our bedroom!!! Who gets sprayed by a skunk 2 nights in a row?? By now my prego, hormonal, tired, overwhelmed self melts down. I went into the bathroom to bathe Duke, again, and I just started crying. Fortunately I married the most amazing, caring man in the world. Jer came in and saw me and gave me a hug told me to go into the living room and he would take care of everything, so that is exactly what I did. He is incredible! I smelled like rotten skunk for days, and I was the joke of the office for quite a while. It has been a couple of weeks and our bedroom and dukes face still have a slight odor, but the smell FINALLY seems to be going away!! Yay!! There were many more small things that happened that week, but things are finally returning to normal and we are SO grateful for that, because we are quickly approaching our due date, and I need to be sane by then!!

Our due date is July 13th, and Jer and I are basically peeing our pants with excitement (or maybe its cause this kid thinks my bladder is a trampoline) we are really looking forward to the day we get to see "baby girl's" BEAUTIFUL face!!! We are so happy to finally be starting this part of our lives, but neither one of us can believe we are old enough to be having a kid, we still like to think we are 16 & 17, but that is FAR from true (jer's grey hairs can prove it, haha)!!

As excited as we are there still seems to be so much to do, and trying to deal with this crazy health care system when you are un-insured is like a full time job!!! I think we are finally getting everything figured out though, so hopefully we can just start enjoying all this pregnancy stuff! Between moving, job changes, and skunks things have been crazy. It seems like we have not had much time to just enjoy being pregnant. Although now that I think about it there is not much to enjoy about being pregnant (unless you enjoy getting up 3 times a night to go to the bathroom, or getting kicked in the ribs all day long!). However it all becomes worth it when Jer gets to feel her move and his face lights up with excitement, or when I remind him of how little time we have left before 'D-Day' and I get to see his shocked face, it is PRICELESS, and so funny!!

Jer is really funny with my belly. I told him the baby can hear him and he should talk to her so she recognizes his voice so he talks to my belly but for some reason he will never talk in a normal voice he is always doing some crazy loud voice or accent, its really funny, but this poor girl must already think her dad is crazy!! Before we go to bed every night Jer is very sweet and rubs my big ol' belly for a minute but then his fun personality kicks in and he can't even help himself he has to blow raspberries on my belly, then yells into my popped out belly button "Can you hear that baby"!! He is so funny with me/her, I seriously love him a ridiculous amount!!! He has been very sweet through this whole pregnancy (even if he laughs at me every time I have to rock back and forth just to get the momentum to stand up with this HUGE bump) he is always offering to help me or do things for me to make me more comfortable. He is going to be a great "Biggy Papa" (that has become his nickname in our house). I am really looking forward to watching him interact with her. He acts like a big macho tough guy, but those that really know him know he melts like butter when it comes to me and this little girl!!!

We are so excited with where life has taken us, we feel like we are building a wonderful future, and we honestly enjoy every day we have together. We are so happy together, and we would not change a minute of our CRAZY life!!!