
Hadley's 1st Birthday!!!

She could not be any cuter!!!

I can't believe I have a 1 year old!!! Does this come as a shock to anyone else?  It seems like just yesterday Hadley was a tiny little newborn...

Hadley @ 3weeks

She is still pretty tiny weighing in at only 18.2 lbs. but she is now walking all over the place and keeping her momma VERY busy!  She started walking about 2 weeks before her birthday, and it is so cute how proud of herself she is every time she does it!  She is still a little wobbly but I am still a proud momma bear every time that girl takes a step!  She says a few words "Mama" "Dada" "Eyes" "All Done" "Hi Duke" "Hi" "Bye" and we are still working on a few more, but it amazes me how much she can learn in just one day, even things I had no idea she was aware of she will surprise me with pointing at it or looking directly at it when I say its name!  She is waving, blowing kisses, pointing to everything, and she is on the verge of dancing.  She does a lot of bouncing up and down when she is holding on to something and I know one day I will be watching her and she will just bust out some crazy dance moves and I am really looking forward to that!  I am obviously that first time mom that thinks every tiny thing she does is amazing, and honestly I am proud to be that mom, it is so much fun!!!  I am also that totally cheesy mom that thinks it is a NEED to celebrate all of Hadley's first holidays even though she has no clue what is going on.  Jeremy thinks I'm slightly crazy, but I just keep thinking one day she will look back at all these pictures of her first holidays and think "I guess my mom isn't SO bad".  

Hadley turned the big 1 on July 20th so naturally I felt the NEED to throw her a party.  We had her party on July 21st and since we don't know many people here in CA it was small but it turned out to be just perfect!!!  (I have to give a special shout out to my girl Sharon Hubbell who channeled her inner Martha Stewart and made most of the decorations!  Oh and did I mention that she drove over an hour just to come to this sweet girls birthday party, she is awesome and I am super lucky to have such a great lifetime friend.  Love you Shar!!!)

We had a small open house, opened presents and ate cupcakes (we would have had some delicious strawberry ice cream as well if I had remembered to get it out of the freezer to share with everyone....duh Stephanie) and did the cake smash moment.  All of the sales reps that we work with came to the party as well 2 of our awesome couple friends, the Hubbell's and the Morins, and their daughters, Amelia (3 months) and Kaia (8 months) these girls are Hadley's besties and they are both absolutely ADORABLE (who would have thought that a 1 year old girls birthday party would be mostly attended by single dudes haha)!!!  There were not any activities planned but I think everyone had a good time watching Hadley open presents and smash an entire cake (she honestly ate half of it before I finally had to stop her).  She was so funny all day and her silly personality had everyone laughing the entire time!!!  Here are a few pics of her fun day!!!  Thanks again to everyone that could come, Hadley is very lucky to have such awesome people in her life!!!

 I took a cake decorating class months ago just so I could make Hadley's first birthday cake/ cupcakes, and for a beginner, I think they turned out pretty good!

 Hadley kept teasing me and putting the cake right up to my face then pulling it away at the last moment, but she was more than happy to share cake with her daddy!  They are so cute!
Ummm.... by the looks of it, I would say she enjoyed her very first birthday!!!

Hadley has developed this adorable personality, and everyone that meets her instantly loves her.  
She already knows how to tease and flirt with boys to get what she wants, and it cracks me up every time.  For example if someone is eating something she wants a bite of she will slowly make her way over to them, giving them the flirty eyes and a smile the entire way, then softly lay her head next to them or on their lap and look up out of the corner of her eye and smile.  Needless to say it doesn't take much more than that before they have happily given up their entire treat to her.  She will never take food off of your plate or even point at it to get it, she will just flirt until she gets what she wants (smart girl)! 

She is constantly teasing people (mostly boys) with kisses.  When someone asks her for a kiss if she feels like being a tease (which is most of the time), she will go all the way in for the kiss with her lips ready until the very last second and then she will quickly turn her head away and smile and laugh.  We refer to it now as 'the take away', and she does it with everything (like the cake she kept teasing me with at her party) and thinks it is absolutely hilarious.  She still gets me every time she does it, and she is right it is hilarious that a 1 year old can tease people/boys so well already.  She is definitely an Eastman and we will definitely be in trouble with this one in a few years down the road!  

Hadley has become such a sweet and funny little girl, I feel so blessed and honored that my Heavenly Father trusted me with such an amazing daughter.  Everyday I am amazed at how much I love her, and how much fun she has become.  I look forward to all her birthdays in the years to come and every day in between!!!  We love you Hadley Bear, HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!