

Well we finally did it, we moved to New Mexico to start our own pest control company.  It has been a long time coming.  We have been working toward this since we started working in the pest control industry about 6 years ago, and we are finally here.  We know there is still a long road ahead of us to get this company up and running, but we are excited to finally be on the way!  My brother, Wayne (who also lives in New Mexico, Yay!), has a saying "we are not New Mexi-CANT'S, we are New Mexi-CAN'S"!  I feel like that is our new motto as we get this company off the ground.  There is a lot of work and stress involved in owning/running your own company but Jeremy and I make a wonderful team and we are both willing to take on whatever comes our way as long as we stick together.

So far we are really enjoying our new hometown of Rio Rancho.  We have moved 10 times in the last 6 years and it feels REALLY good to know that we don't have to move again until we decide we want to move!  We are lucky enough to have my Brother and his family live only 10min away, and that has been a huge blessing.  They are a wonderful family, and Hadley is LOVING all the cousin time.  With all the moving around we have done we have really missed our family.  Wayne and Camille are so much fun and have also been a huge asset in starting the company, their knowledge and support have been a huge blessing, and I don't think we could do all of this without them (thanks guys we love you)!

Jeremy is more excited than ever to finally live in the same state he has residency in so that he can hunt at resident prices.  Every night he looks through the hunting proclamation for New Mexico and he is like a kid in a candy store, he can't wait to hunt everywhere/ everything NM has to offer!  He has also recently accepted a job guiding for elk in NM, it is his dream job and so far he is doing a wonderful job.  He has a great knowledge and love for hunting so it is great he can make money doing exactly what he loves to do (in the pest control off season anyway).  He also really loves being a dad and he and Hadley are hilarious to watch.  They have this silly bond and are always laughing and teasing one another.  Watching those two play together are my favorite moments of the day!

I am loving my full time job as a momma.  Hadley keeps me VERY busy but I enjoy every moment I have with her.  I feel very blessed to be a mom, especially to such a sweet and funny little girl.  I have also really started to enjoy a new hobby, photography.  I still have SO MUCH to learn, but it is something I really enjoy, and I look forward to bringing my camera everywhere.  Hadley on the other hand is already so sick of seeing my camera lens that she won't even look at it anymore.  She has been my little model on many occasions and I guess she is sick of all the photo shoots (its not my fault she is so stinkin cute)!  I am looking forward to working part time again for our company once we get started, but I am broken hearted at the thought of leaving my little girl while I am at work.  She makes me laugh so much everyday, and I am really going to miss all of those little moments throughout the day.

Hadley is running around like crazy.  She is BUSY BUSY BUSY!  She runs all over the house, and opens every drawer and cabinet in sight.  Needless to say her momma is very busy trying to keep up with her.  She is truly the light of our life.  She fills everyday with laughter and we can't get enough of her.  It seems like everyday we are exhausted from keeping up with her but as soon as we put her down for a nap we are counting down the minutes until she wakes up so we can play with her and let her entertain us again.  She is really becoming a soccer pro, and kicks her ball all around the house.  She and Duke are becoming best buddies.  She is constantly climbing all over him and stealing his bone from him and running away laughing.  Duke is Hadley's biggest fan, especially around meal time.  She very slyly sneaks him food under the table during every meal, and he thinks that is awesome!

We have had a lot of changes happen for our family in the last few months, but we are excited about all the changes so far and we are really looking forward to our bright future.  We are so grateful for such wonderful family and friends who are always there to help and support us as we move forward in this crazy thing we call life!!!

We love you all very much, and hope you have a Happy Holiday season!!!